School Opening Times

 - Breakfast Club for all children starts at 8.00am and ends at 8.45am at a cost of £1.00 per child, per day.
 - School opens at 8.45am and lessons begin at 8.55am.
All children should be in school by 8.55am when the register will be taken. Pupils who arrive after this time should enter school via the main office. 
- Years 1-6, 10.40am-10.55am
 - Reception 10.30-10.45am

 - Reception Class, Year 1 and Year 2 are provided with free fruit at break time. Milk is provided free until your child is 5. 
 - Years 3 – 6, fruit of your child’s choice may be brought from home.
All children are provided with a bottle of fresh water every day.

Lunchtime for 
 - Reception – 11.45am - 12.45pm
 - Years 1-6 12.00pm – 12.55pm

School Closes at 3.10pm for all children
The total number of hours school is open each week is 32.08.

After school clubs
After school clubs are organised every term for years 1-6. They run on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 3.15-4.00pm.