Welcome to our Community page, here you will find information about events happening in our school. 

Adult Learning Open Days 

Please click here for more information about courses being run by Liverpool City Council.

Coffee Mornings

Our coffee mornings provide a great opportunity to find out about local services that can help you. Some of our coffee mornings host workshops that can support you if you are experiencing challenges with your child’s sleep routine, behaviour, or mental health. 

As well as a cuppa and a great way of meeting other parents, we will always offer:

     – a relaxed, supportive atmosphere

       – an opportunity to ask questions, and discuss openly or a confidential space can be provided

       – support is given with signposting to other services

We believe in sustainability, therefore we have teamed-up with local charity shops, who provide us with surplus good-quality children’s reading books and clothes. 
We look forward to seeing you at one of our coffee mornings. Don’t forget to bring a bag!


DGDT (Dingle Granby Development Trust)

Granby Toxteth Development Trust is an independent, local charitable organisation which is based in the Toxteth area of Liverpool. For more information please click on the following link, www.gtdt.co.uk/


Community Marketplace

Picton and Kensington Children’s Centres held one of their regular community marketplaces at St. Hugh’s so that our parents could attend easily. Many organisations were available to support our families in all areas of their lives.


Picton & Kensington Children’s Centres

Picton & Kensington Children’s Centres offers a whole range of services for parents, carers and their children, and support and advice for families and expectant parents. Services include baby massage, stay and play sessions, parenting classes, breastfeeding support groups, sensory room, adult learning. We also have a fantastic nursery and an active childminder network. For families with a child 0-5 years. Both centres are maintained by St Hugh’s Catholic Primary School. 

Open 9.00am – 4.00pm Monday – Friday

Click here for more information.

Picton Children’s Centre

39 Earle Road,
Liverpool, L7 6HD
0151 233 1200 Open 
9.00am - 4.00pm Monday - Friday

Kensington Children’s Centre

Life Bank Centre, Quorn Street,
Liverpool, L7 2QR
0151 300 8420
9.00am – 4.00pm Monday – Friday

Chatham Nursery School

In Chatham Nursery School we work in partnership with all parent/carers supporting and helping you in your role as your childs first and most important educator.  All children are monitored and tracked in all areas of learning across the Early Years Foundation Stage Development Matters. We ensure you are involved with your child’s development and work in partnership with any difficulties your child maybe experiencing. Click on the link below for more information.

139 Earle Road
Liverpool L7 6HD
0151 233 1200

email – chatham-ao@chathamplace.liverpool.sch.uk


Chatham Nursery School Ofsted Report 2021

St Clare’s Church

St Clare`s Presbytery, Sefton Park, 
Liverpool, L17 2AU
Tel: 0151 733 2374

Mass Times
Sunday 8:30 am 10:30 am & 6.00PM
Weekdays  Mon, Tues, & Wed  9.30 am
Fri  12:00 am
Saturday 12:00 pm
Holydays 10.00am
& 7:30 pm

Faithful Companions of Jesus (FCJ)
FCJs, are in an international Society of Roman Catholic Sisters living in Asia, Australia, Europe and the Americas and was founded

Amiens in France in 1820 by Marie Madeleine de Bonnault d’Hoüet.

For more information about the FCJ and how they support the community please click here

   ‘Teach the children with all the kindness and gentleness possible. (1837)’

   Marie Madeleine d’Houët